Thursday, November 10, 2011

Story Description

"The Story of Creation"
             The canopy of lush green trees and the meandering streaks of water that form the rivers is what comprise the world in which the Bukidnon tribe inhabits. The vast land is their hunting ground. It is where they get their harvest and living. It is a place they could proudly call their own, a place where they belong, a place they call their home.
                The passing of time did not change their way of living. They believe that spirits of nature guide and protect them. To show their respect and gratitude, they perform rituals and give offerings. They also perform songs and dances for the entities.
                The tribe lives in a secluded dimension where they live in harmony with nature, but the peace they have lived in for generations is being invaded by modern men with modern and worldly urges. For wealth, they want to gain possession of the tribe’s sanctuary.
                They are very determined to protect their ancestral domains but they do not want to resort to violent means. As the government does not recognize their right to the area, they are now armed only with will and perseverance and a few helpful entities.
                Keepers of Dreams: the Bukidnon Tribe is inspired from the book published by the Kitanglad Integrated NGOs in the year 2008. The purpose of the book was to show the people the culture, customs and traditions of the Bukidnon tribe. It seeks to preserve the traditional grind of living and rituals of the indigenous people. Most especially, it attempts to empower the members of the tribe, to make their voices heard and to help them preserve and keep their dreams.

1 comment:

  1.!...very proud of you students of Bukidnon National High School....your work amazes the viewers....God bless...your still a winner in our heart.,...XD
